The Whistle Stop Gallery is an exhibition space owned and operated by Joseph A. Langley, and is dedicated to providing fair opportunities for art exhibition. Our content is dedicated to that which is family friendly.
Need to contact us? There's a form for that! Or, you can contact us by mail at PO Box 967, Granite City, IL, 62040.
Everyone is free to look at the artwork at any time, so you can sit back and enjoy without having to go anywhere else. At the Whistle Stop Gallery website, the art comes to you!
Let's be honest, we all avoid situations with annoying salespeople. While it's great for artists to be able to sell their work, I don't believe that is best accomplished by high-pressure sales. What you pay for artwork isn't dependent on paying me a hefty fee. The Whistle Stop Gallery never asks for a commission from artists who sold the work themselves, even if the purchaser found the work through us.
The Whistle Stop Gallery will be displaying artwork on the web a little differently than before. Don't worry, nothing's going away. For all the web Shows, you can visit the Show Directory. It will explain the changes in how the shows are listed. Soon you'll also see a Gallery Directory. It's an exciting new idea that I think artists and visitors will both appreciate.
This site is part of a commercial enterprise. It is intended to provide a unique showcase experience for artists and a unique viewing experience for visitors to the site. This site is designed, operated, maintained, administered, and copyright Joseph A. Langley.
Art is a streak of light in the night sky. Joseph A. Langley ...view more Quotes
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Whistle Stop Gallery and Gallery logo ™ Joseph A. Langley. © 2016 - 2018 Joseph A. Langley