The Whistle Stop Gallery invites you to participate in our 1938 Project.

Looking for something in particular?

If you’re looking for Services, you’re in the right place!


Jury Service

The Whistle Stop Gallery’s Proprietor invites you to consider our Jury Service. You can expect honesty and fairness, for a reasonable fee. Web and mail jurying are available. In person jurying is also available in a very limited area. Selections can be made for acceptance and/or awards. Works can be reviewed individually or per artist. Contact us with the details of your needs.

Hosted Web Show Service

The Whistle Stop Gallery can host your show on our website. We can be your venue on the web! We can also co-host web and physical shows on our website. Just like ours, your web Show can be permanent. Let us know what you’re looking for.


Payments for services may be made by PayPal invoice or U.S. Check/money order.


There are no promotions at this time.

Art is anything I want it to be. symphony ...view more Quotes

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Whistle Stop Gallery and Gallery logo ™ Joseph A. Langley. © 2016 - 2018 Joseph A. Langley